Sunday, August 21, 2005

British TV Part I

Yesterday, I got myself one of those fancy DVB-T receivers in the Apple Store at Regents Street. The Elgato DTT is a pocket sized device to receive digital terrestrial TV. Since cable TV is very common in Switzerland, DVB-T is hardly known over there. The government is planning to complete the introduction of digital terrestrial television in Switzerland in 2008. It's a pity, because DVB-T is really way ahead. You get data transmitted to every emission including the showtimes and the titles of the shows.

Anyway, since yesterday, I have come across all the British programs, you may think of: A gardening show where an awful rotten backyard was turned into a beautyful flower garden, home improvement advices how to paint the walls of your room so they match the curtains and the carpet, World War II history shows about german U-Boots threatening British cruiser, archeologist shows where skulls and old castles get digged out of the ground and of course the famous Antique Road Show, where people bring in their attic contents to get it appraised by professionals. Well, this is about the whole range of TV the UK has to offer, I am a fraid. Unfortunately, better technology doesn't necessary mean better content, too.


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