Thursday, June 30, 2005

16°degrees Celsius / Partly cloudy

The flight was calm, the cheese sandwich cold and chippy. After an hour and 25 minutes, we touched down one minute ahead schedule at the little London City Airport on the east end of London. A cab brought me and my 30kg suitcase (7 kg overweight!) to my flat for a 20 quid.

Shortly after arriving at home, I went off for my first shopping trip at the local Tesco market, where I covered myself with spaghetti and stir-in sauce in all various flavours for the next couple of days.

Stir-in sauces are a very clever invention. As you certainly have guessed, you simply stir-in the sauce in your freshly cooked noodles and you kill three birds with one stone: there's no need to warm up the sauce, there's no need to wait for the noodles to cool down and best of all, there's no need to give a wash to an additional pan. Perfect! Find soon the results of this amazing invention on this weblog.

In the evening, I got invented for dinner at a friend's house. We studied together in Bern six years ago and he just moved to London three days earlier than me - for good.

Guess what we had for dinner: Spaghetti and Basilico-Stir-In-Sauce!

PS: No need to worry, Mum, I left the British "minced beef sauce" out.


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